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Stocks Investment course
Wouldn’t you like to get great return on yourmoney?Want to know how the pro investors do it?Will you take the time to learn?We have a free Stock Market Investment course for you!Our stock market investment course is divided into 3chapters:1. Starting from the basic terms and concepts of Bonds, Stocks,Funds, ETF, FOF, etc.2. Learning how to calculate shares real value and how to pickoutperforming stocks - Fundamental analysis investment.3. Learning the Technical analysis methods of investment.This app has a few tools that will help you finish the coursesuccessfully and get the most out of it:1. Weekly reminder - Schedule lessons time and days of the week inwhich you want to use the time learning, and the app will remindyou (by notification).2. Notes tool - a place to write and review your notes and yourthoughts about the course and investment in general..3. Easy navigation between different topic and lessons.4. Share button.We guarantee! You will know how to pick the right stock share andyou will outperform the market for the long run,but only if you'll spend the time learning and practicing.Investing on stockmarket can be simple, if the investor has goodbackground and pre-decided plan.Learn to invest like the big guns, be the investor who knows whathe's doing, knowledge is powerDownload now - it's free :)
How to Buy and Sell a House
Free investing, buying, selling real estatecourse!Buying property is a big deal - let us teach you how to do itright!There are clear methodologies and strategies to real estateinvesting and we are going to show you much of them righthere!We will teach you 12 types of different real estate investingstrategies, will show tools for funding and getting the money youneed, learn where can you find such real estate investmentopportunities? Real estate flipping techniques, mortgage secretsand other leverage options, refinance, how to use REIT andmore.Few extra tools that will help you finish the course successfullyand get the most out of the app:1. Schedule lessons times and reminders - You can set the time anddays of the week in which you want to use the time learning, andthe app will remind you.2. Notes tool - a place to write your notes and your thoughts aboutthe course.3. Easy navigation between different topic and lessons.4. Share buttons.It is your opportunity to learn real estate investment forfree!Download NOW!
Penny Stocks - Trading Course
Learn how to invest and trade Penny stockssuccessfully - from scratch!Penny stocks investment can be one of the most rewarding, highyield investments of your portfolio.But penny stocks are also more volatile and risky - that is why youshould know what you are doing before you start, and we took uponourselves that job.WE WILL TEACH YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about Penny StocksInvestments.Success is guaranteed, but only if you will put the time and workto it.For best results we added a few tools that will help you finish thecourse successfully and get the most out of the it:1. Reminder - Choose when you wish to learn and schedule lessonstimes and days of the week.2. Notes - use the notes to write your notes and to review yourthoughts about the course3. Easy navigation between lessons.The app course topics:1. Basic concepts - first section is for the brand new investor(learn concepts for traders like what is a Stock/Share, Forextrading, Mutual Fund, Hedge Fund, Bonds, dividend, indexes andmore...).2. Penny Stock Trading 10 Commandments - We'll teach you the rulesof the game, what you must do and what you must avoid whenconsidering a penny stock to add to your portfolio. Penny stocks,also known as pink sheets, OTC stocks, cent stocks, penny sharesand small caps.3. Value Strategy - You must have a clear strategy before tradingany stock. We will teach you the value strategy that will show youhow to determine stocks real value.We will show you how to find the stocks you need with automaticstock scanner.4. When to buy and sell?We will teach you the best strategy of timing the market -Technical analysis strategy. we will learn about indicators (Vix,Rsi, Macd...) and patterns that try to predict the next move of thestock.Download now! And you will know much more about penny stocksinvestment and about investing in generalWhat are you waiting for? Download now!
StockMarket Technical analysis
Knowledge is MONEY! Especially stock marketand technical analysis knowledge!Our great app "StockMarket Technical analysis" will help you gainthis valuable knowledge.Have you ever tried trading in the stock market but didn't knowwhen to buy or when to sell? Have you ever heard of technicalanalysis, but didn't know what it is and how to use it?If you're not familiar with technical analysis, you probably didn’tfully exploit the stock market yet... Well, it's about time you dosomething about it... Our app StockMarket technical analysis isexactly what you need – This is a free technical analysis coursethat will show you the way of investing in the stock market usingclear and simple rules.Technical analysis is an investment strategy that has known rulesand patterns that are easy to spot and act upon.Learning these rules and patterns can be easy and simple, if youput the time and effort in learning.While it is known mostly as stock market strategy, it is widelyused also the forex market and the commodity market.In this free investment course app you'll learn the basic concepts,Graph types, Chart patterns, Candlestick patterns, Indicators,Stock market graphs and more.All this knowledge is organized in nice easy to read lessons.Some tools that will help you get the most out of "StockMarketTechnical analysis" app:* Use the Notes system section to write your thoughts andideas.* Use our new Lesson Reminder tool, to set recurrent times forcourse learning and we will remind you when it's time, foreffective long term learning.* Share button - Share your thoughts and notes with friends.Try and download StockMarket Technical analysis now for free youhave nothing to lose, but a whole lot of money to gain ;)
Mortgage Calculator & Guide
Learn now this very important knowledge, usethe mortgage calculator to understand where you stand.Planning on buying a house? Already bought one?The money you can save by planning it right, equals the salary of afew months of work at least, in the long run – yet we tend to avoidit.The housing market is wide and mortgage knowledge is one of themost important things to know when thinking of being a buyer. Wewill help with that.Going through the lessons and the mortgage planning contents ofthis app is probably the best investment of your time you made in along time.An awesome set of tools waits for you in this app (loan options andtypes, mortgage calculator, mortgage guide, mortgage insurance,amortization and prepayment rules, nmls, housing market tips, andmore)We have a few extra tools for you that will help you get the mostof the app:* Weekly reminder - Schedule lessons time and days of the week, inwhich you want to use the time learning and using the app. The appwill notify when it's time.* Notes tool - here you'll write your notes and ideas you'll wantto remember later on.* Share button that will help you share what you've learned withyour friends.100% free mortgage calculator100% free mortgage guide and manualTry NOW - you won't regret it
Poker - become a better player
Free Poker Course - From a beginner to a propoker player.Be part of the poker academy - master the poker game.Use knowledge and experience of others to win your friends, win thecasino and make some money.Lesson on our free course will deal with Poker gameplay, DifferentPoker games (Texas Holdem, Stud poker, Omaha), Poker hands andtheir probabilities, Betting in poker, Poker Bluff (Pure bluff,stone-cold bluff, Semi-bluff, Optimal bluffing frequency) and Pokerstrategy - fundamental theorem of poker, implied odds, Deception,Position, Sandwich effect, Aggressive/passive play.Few tools that will help you get the most out of the app:1. Schedule reminders to use the app2. Notes tool - a place to write your notes and your thoughts aboutthe course.3. Sharing button allows you to share your thoughts and newinsights.Poker is becoming more and more popular each year - online Pokerand casino Poker are now more accessible and available thanever.Today, to master Poker you must know a lot, understandprobabilities of poker hands, what are your odds? What are thecasino motives? Texas Holdem, Omaha or other - you must understandthe game very well in order to level with your friends and anotherpoker online or casino players.Our academy gives you this course for free - this is our gift toyou.Please enjoy and download now!
Retirement plans 401k IRA roth
Retirement education is one of the mostimportant things you must be familiar with.That is why we give this super important course for free!Take care of your future! understand your pension options andretirement plans, so you will grow old with the dignity, the graceand the respect you deserve.What is 401K? Should you use Roth IRA? Different Types ofRetirement Pension - which is the best choice for you? What are theretirement Pension Benefits? what part of your salary should youput aside?We will be your adviser and trustee (how to use prudential andschwab) - making sure you have a surplus in your "pension salary" -in order to grow old with respect.We have a few tools for you, that will help you get the most of theapp:* Weekly reminder - Schedule lessons time and days of the week, inwhich you want to use the time learning our course. The app willnotify when it's time.* Notes tool - here you'll write your notes and ideas you'll wantto remember later on.* Share button that will help you share what you've learned withyour friends.Seize the opportunity to grow old with dignity,Download now!
Nose job - Rhinoplasty surgery 10.3
Do you dream of a perfect nose? Nosejob(Rhinoplasty) may be the answer for you, but before you thinkaboutdoing it, learn a little bit about it.Rhinoplasty is among the 5 most popular plasticsurgeryprocedures performed in the United States, is it the rightway foryou to go?Learn more about the procedure, the costs, the risks, recoverytime,alternative options and more.A nose job plastic surgery can be done for cosmeticreasons,which will change the nose’s shape and appearance, or formedicalreasons (correct breathing problems related to the nose orcorrectdisfigurement resulting from trauma or birth defects),either way,there are few things you must know before thinkingaboutrhinoplasty plastic surgery.In this app will teach you about surgical Rhinoplastytypes,Compatibility (are you fit for a nose job surgery),Rhinoplastytechniques, you'll see before and after pics so you canknow whatto expect. we will talk about the Rhinoplasty risks, therecoveryand, of course, about the Rhinoplasty costs, as well asthealternative of non-surgical Rhinoplasty.A few tools that will help you get the most out of theapp:1. Schedule times and reminders2. Notes tool - a place to write your notes and your thoughtsaboutRhinoplasty nose job.3. Share button.Download now!
Breast augmentation expansion 10.0
Breast augmentation, that is known also asbreast expansion or boob job, is the most requested cosmeticsurgical procedure in the united states.This app will help you understand the different types of breastaugmentations (plastic surgery, Non-implant breast expansion etc.),will show you the process and the cost of the different breastexpansion types, we will discuss moms and breast augmentation(breastfeeding etc.) and, of course, complications and limitationsof breast augmentations.Thinking of breast expansion? Want to know more about boob jobs?This app is for you - check it out before making any decisions.Also in this app, notes system, reminder system and more.Download now.
Sagittarius Astrology Zodiac 10.3
Sagittarius is known as a “mutablesign”describing an instinct toward change and an easy ability tomodifyor adapt to the demands of the environment.Read your horoscope and learn about yourself and othersthroughthe astrology zodiac sign.Use astrology and horoscope to know where your love is, whatareyour characteristics and of your loved ones? What does your dateofbirth say about you?Born between 21 November to 21 December? this app isforyou!Learn all about Sagittarius astrology sign!- Get here your daily Horoscope- Learn about Sagittarius key characteristics and definitions- What is the Sagittarius best compatibility? Where will youfindyour soulmate?- Find out what the future holds for you and your loved ones.- Learn about Sagittarius mythology.We have a few more tools that will help you enjoy thisapp:1. Reminder system2. Notes system3. Sharing buttonMore bonuses, gifts and surprises for you inside.Download now, it's free!
Body Language Course
This Body Language Course will help youunderstand people and their motives by using techniques of FacialExpression, Micro Expressions, Eye contact, Mirroring, BodyLanguage gestures, Posture and more, the body language may provideclues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person.Few tools that will help you finish the course successfully and getthe most out of the app:1. Schedule lessons times and reminders - You can set the time anddays of the week in which you want to use the time learning, andthe app will remind you.2. Notes tool - a place to write your notes and your thoughts aboutthe course.3. Easy navigation between different topic and lessons.4. Share buttons.Download Now - It's 100% FREE
Schizophrenia & Depression
Approximately 1% of people throughout theglobe will suffer from Schizophrenia.Schizophrenia is a brain disorder, that usually comes with deepdepression and anxiety.There are five subtypes of schizophrenia, very different from oneanother.Today there are tools that helps you understand if one haveschizophrenia or is he close to it (we have such test in ourapp).Learn now how to deal with schizophrenia, depression and anxiety,learn what causes it, what are the symptoms, what is the latestresearch on the subject and more.Dealing with depression can be super hard, we will show you sometools that will help you deal with anxiety and depression so youcan help your loved ones or yourself as much as you can.Schizophrenia is a serious disorder of the mind and brain but it isalso highly treatable.We have a few extra tools for you:* Reminder system- Schedule when you want to continue using theapp.* Notes tool - here you'll write your notes and ideas you'll wantto remember later on.* Share button that will help you share what you've learned withyour friends.Download now to learn more,We hope it will help.
Binary Options Trading Course 10.2
Binary options trading is one of themostpopular methods of investment these days, and now you can learnhowto trade with binary options for free!This new appealing trading method is based on a simple ‘yes’or‘no’ answer on assets from forex, the stock market,commoditiesmarket and more.Learn in this 6 lessons course the basic terms and conceptsofbinary option trading, how to trade binary options, pros andconsof binary options trading and advanced formulas toinveststrategically.A few tools that will help you finish the course successfullyandget the most out of the app:1. Schedule lessons times and reminders - You can set the timeanddays of the week in which you want to use the time learning,andthe app will remind you.2. Notes tool - a place to write your notes and your thoughtsaboutthe course.3. Easy navigation between different topic and lessons.4. Share button.We have a few bonuses complementing this binary options course:acourse of forex investing, technical analysis, stock investingandcommodity investing inside!Download now!
Which diet is best for you?
Are you confused with all thedifferentdiets?Can't tell which diet is the best for you?This App will help you choose the diet that will fit you thebest,out of 14 different diets!While you may know some diets, there are many other dietsthatmay suit you better.Take the time to understand the different diets before you startanew diet that may be harmful and not suited fityouindividually.This app has a few tools that will help you get the most outofit:1. Weekly reminder - Schedule lessons time and days of the weekinwhich you want to use the time learning, and the app willremindyou (by notification).2. Notes tool - a place to write and review your notes andyourthoughts about the course and diets in general.3. Easy navigation between different topic and lessons.4. Share with your friends tool.Download now,It's 100% free
Breast Expansion Surgery Guide 10.0
Breast expansion has not only physicalimplications - it can also help you increase your confidence andcelebrate your womanhood. However, before such surgery, you muststudy the process and learn about your options.Breast expansion surgery (maybe you know it as breast augmentation,breast enlargement or simply as boob job) is the most popularcosmetic surgical procedure in the US.In this guide you'll find some surprising information about theprocedure.You will learn about different types of breast expansion, costs ofthe average breast expansion surgery, breastfeeding for moms afterbreast augmentation, and lastly we will show you complications andlimitations that you should consider.For your convenience, we added notes system in which you canwrite your own notes, reminder system and more.Download now
One in every 50 people is estimated tohaveFibromyalgia.It is time you learn about it:1. Fibromyalgia Symptoms2. Fibromyalgia Cause (Genetics, Lifestyle, SleepDisturbances,Psychological factors)3. Fibromyalgia Diagnosis4. Fibromyalgia Treatment5. Pathophysiology (Functional changes made by Fibromyalgia)Few tools that will help you get the most out of the app:1. Schedule reminders to use the app2. Notes tool - a place to write your notes and your thoughtsaboutthe course.3. Sharing button allows you to share your thoughts andnewinsights.Find out all you need to know about Fibromyalgia, itssymptoms,causes and treatments, learn about the latest researchesand gettools and tip that will help you deal with it.Download nowIt's 100% Free
Horoscope and Astrology
Read your horoscope and learn about you andothers through the astrology zodiac sign.Use astrology and horoscope to know where your love is, what areyour characteristics and of your loved ones? What does your date ofbirth say about you?Get your daily Horoscope here!Every sign has its own special way of experiencing life, learnwhere you stand.Find out what the future holds for you and your loved ones.We have a few more tools that will help you enjoy thisapp:1. Reminder system2. Notes system3. Sharing buttonMore bonuses, gifts and surprises for you inside.Download now, it's free!
Stocks Value Analysis Course
Free Stocks Value AnalysisinvestmentCourse!This proven stocks investment strategy is probably the bestknownway to beat the markets.We will teach you how you should build your portfolio usingtoolsto evaluate the stock real value.The stocks value analysis strategy also known asfundamentalanalysis or contrarian investing.Few tools that will help you finish the course successfullyandget the most out of the app:* Schedule lessons times and reminders - You can set the timeanddays of the week in which you want to use the time learning,andthe app will remind you.* Notes tool - a place to write your notes and your thoughtsaboutthe course.* Sharing button.The course is divided to few sections:1. Learn basic terms (leverage, EBITDA, EPS, Debt, PEGratio,Earnings growth, Dividend and more)2. What is the stock real value? Different ways to get thetruevalue.3. How to Pick the right stocks? We will understand andbuildtogether a set of criteria rules deciding whether a stock is agoodbuy or not.4. How to use Stock screener tools?5. How to build the right portfolio for you?Few bonuses we have for you:1. The latest and most updated portfolio of the most famousvalueinvestor.2. Stocks screener tool.3. complementary course - Technical analysis.Download now!It is completely free!
Numerology Psychic Reading
Numerology is the mystic power of numbers-Learn what is your numerology number and what can you learn aboutyourself and loved ones.Numerology is a fascinating mystical field, discovered separatelyby Babylonians, Pythagoreans, Christian mysticism (on the Bible),Jewish Kabbalah, Hindu Vedas and others. Can they all bewrong?In this app you can use the numerology calculator to find our yournumber and learn about your character, tell you the best time formajor changes and activities in life, let you know about your bestromantic love match and moreThe Kabbalah numerology has long deep roots, and is incorporated inthe bible.You will find what your name means according to numerology kabbalahreaders.Free numerology reading (as many readings as you like).We have a few extra tools for you:* Reminder system- Schedule when you want to continue using theapp.* Notes tool - here you'll write your notes and ideas you'll wantto remember later on.* Share button that will help you share what you've learned withyour friends.Download now and learn the secrets of Kabbalah numerologyreader
Kabbalah Free Course
Kabbalah Course - Reveal the biggest answersofthe world and your place in the world.This app is not for everyone - it is for people that feelthereis more in the world than just the daily routine.If you feel that something is missing in your life (even thoughyouhave material abundance), if you can't agree with living withoutapurpose,you definitely should explore this different new angle oftheworld.We will ask and answer on our course some of thebiggestquestions there are, questions like Where is God? What isthe Roleof Man in this world? What is the origin of evil? HowdoesReincarnation work? Descending spiritual Worlds,Spiritglobalization, Levels of the soul and more.In a world of globalization and abundance of knowledge we tendtoleave our spirit and soul behind, the really big questions arebeingforgotten. The Kabbalah has both questions and answers tosome ofthese questions.We have a few tools for you, that will help you get the mostofthe app:* Weekly reminder - Schedule lessons time and days of the week,inwhich you want to use the time learning our real estate course.Theapp will notify when it's time.* Notes tool - here you'll write your notes and ideas you'll wanttoremember later on.* Share button that will help you share what you've learnedwithyour friends.Download Now!
Best Motorcycle Riding Roads 10.0
Love riding your motorcycle?Then you probably already know that there is nothing betterthanriding your motorcycle on a perfect road with the perfectview,with some twists and turns and a lot of freedom.Want to know where are the best roads to do just that withyourmotorcycle?Download now!We have a few extra functionalities for you:* Reminder - Schedule when you want to continue using theapp.* Notes tool - here you'll write your notes and ideas you'll wanttoremember later on.* Share button that will help you share what you've learnedwithyour friends.Find out now what are the 10 greatest motorcycle roads.Find now where they are and what their road description forthemotorcycle rider is – it's 100% free!Download Now!
Presidents of the US - POTUS 10.4
Learn about those amazing people, each ofthemwas admirable, powerful and intriguing man in his time, butmost ofus only know a few of them.Presidents of the United States (in abbreviation - POTUS)! Gettoknow all past and current presidents, for some of them we wantedtogo deeper and tell you their amazing life stories (We addmorepresidents and stories all the time).You can use our search engine to find specific president.Learn some interesting facts on the US presidents andthepresidency.We have added a notes system and reminder system that will helpyouget the most out of the app.Learn about the US history through its presidents.Download now
Option Trading and Derivatives 10.4
Derivatives and options can be ahighlypowerful investing tool. If you consider yourself an investoryoumust know the opportunities that they present.This app gives you for free a full derivatives and optiontradingcourse - 15 short and easy to read lessons.Here you will learn why and when should you use those tools?whatis hedge? learn about forwards, futures contracts, Mortgagebackedsecurities and other powerful derivatives.We will teach you the main option trading strategies,usingdifferent combinations of put and call options.Learn about the pricing and the valuation of derivatives,theirrisks and the hedging possibilities.To help you complete the course successfully we've createdareminder system that will remind you weekly (or as often asyoulike) to continue with the course contents.You can use our notes system in order to write and rememberthethings you learn during the course.Download now!
Clairvoyant Psychic Reader
Do you believe there is more to our worldthanjust what we can see? Would you like to explore and understandwhatways humanity has found to get in touch with thisexciting,mysterious world?Clairvoyants and psychic readers have always beenanextraordinary and controversial phenomena, they were adoredorhunted throughout time, but, always in the centerofattention.Why? probably because they offer a glimpse into the world beyondourday to day world.We gathered for you some of the most amazing psychicreadingmethods and different clairvoyant readers ways.Get to know the fascinating ways of clairvoyant psychicreaders.Bonus! You'll also get a free tarot reading, freenumerologyreading and daily horoscope.We have a few extra tools for you that will help you get themostout of the app:1. Schedule lessons times and reminders - You can set the timeanddays of the week in which you want to use the time learning,andthe app will remind you.2. Notes tool - a place to write your notes and your thoughtsaboutthe course.3. Easy navigation between different topic and lessons.4. Share button.Download now - it's 100% free!
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) 10.3
Want a beautiful flat tummy? Tummy tuckcanmake it possible.Many of us strive for a flat and well-toned abdomenthroughexercise and weight control. Sometimes we cannot achieve ourgoalsonly by these methods, Sometimes Tummy tuck (also knownasabdominoplasty plastic surgery) is the answer.Before you consider such procedure you should use our appandlearn about Tummy tuck different options and procedures, Tummytuckrecovery, abdominoplasty plastic surgery costs and risks.You'llget to know what to expect by checking some "before andafter"pictures. Learn about related and alternativeprocedures(liposuction, body contouring and more).Life happens and Aging, Heredity, Pregnancy, Priorsurgery,Significant fluctuations in weight - all can develop anabdomenthat protrudes or is loose and sagging. Tummy tuck(abdominoplasty)can help you feel better about yourself and yourbody and has doneit for many in the past.A few tools that will help you get the most out of theapp:1. Schedule times and reminders2. Notes tool - a place to write your notes and yourthoughts.3. Share button.Download now!(It's free)
Commodity trading course
The commodity market is one of the biggestmarkets of the world.The oil prices are down, gold price is volatile? learn how can youmake money out of it!Would you like to learn how can you invest in the commodity market?we will help you with that.Learn the basics - what is the commodity market? how does itwork?What strategies should you know before starting?How can you make real money trading in commodities?This course will reveal a new amazing world of investments, it'sfree and extremely interesting - all you have to do is take thetime to read and learn.The course will teach you basic Terms and Concepts of commoditiestrading, Commodity Derivatives Trading, Commodities exchanges,classes, systems and more.We have a few tools for you that will help you finish the coursesuccessfully and get the most out of the app:1. Schedule lessons times and reminders - You can set the time anddays of the week in which you want to use the time learning, andthe app will remind you.2. Notes tool - a place to write your notes and your thoughts aboutthe course.3. Easy navigation between different topic and lessons.4. Sharing button.It's awesome and it's free - Download now!
Free Credit Score Simple Guide 10.3
Your credit score is a big deal, itwilldetermine whether or not you'll get a loan and how much willyoupay for it.Dealing with these kind of things you must be wise and wellinformed- we will help you do that.Following this guide, you will find out how your scoreiscalculated and what's a good credit score on the creditscorerange. Find out here what can be done in order to improveyourcredit score immediately, learn if you are entitled to afreecredit score report, and see what should you do in order togetyour own free credit score report online.This free guide will try to make things easy and clear.We invite you to use the app's notes system and remindersystemfor an optimal use of this app.Please feel free to contact the developer with any questiononproblem you might have.Download now!
Credit Rating and Score Check 10.3
Credit rating and credit score checkarecrucial!Insurance, housing, and employment can be denied based on anegativecredit rating.1 in 4 unemployed Americans have been required to go throughacredit check when applying for a job.Credit rating and credit score check may be intimidating atfirst,but actually it's not so complex.You must understand what it is, how to improve your creditscore,how to get your credit score checked and how to acquire yourfreecredit report.In this mini-course (7 short lessons) we will explain thecreditscore components, the influence of your credit history,you'lllearn how to acquire and understand credit reports. Learnabout thecredit history of immigrants, adverse credit (sub-primecredit) andget tools to improve your credit score - your score canbe repairedand even fixed, learn here how you can do it.Use the app Notes system to write what you have learned.Use the app scheduler to learn the lessons on your own timeandpace.Feel free to contact us for any problem.Download now!